Thursday, January 3, 2019

Not just any new year post

First things first, welcome 2019!

We are now just an year away from the Cliched "2020", the year which used to be such a content driver to make all sort of predictions and future world fantasies. And no we are not yet run by the machines but they do increasingly occupy our lives. The data-driven machines or as the buzz word terms it around something 'artificial' :P

The 'data-is-the-new-oil' can't just be termed as a fad but it's a reality of everyday life. The Instagram picture which you clicked of your morning brunch, being liked and viewed by your social-media circle, provides a platform for sponsored advertisements following it, which again is based on your Facebook data or maybe something which you google or even talked about (scary but true!).

Source: The Economist

And this is not just limited to your online activities. Cross a retail outlet on your way back home and an ad for the same might just appear in your FB feed by the time you reach home, thanks to the real-time location based data which you unknowingly have provided and now you wonder, who reads your mind! Literally one thing leading to another and you are already being served a highly personalized content everywhere. This may lead you to think that life is good that way and you are the boss, but are you?

With data comes the power, to rate, rank, compare, judge, and what not! After all the better you extract this new oil, the more worth it gives. But more of that in the coming posts, as i resolve this year to blog a lot more and keep generating more of data which anyway machines can keep judging crunching about.