Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Since officially my placement preparations are on

I happen to glance through lotsa biographies. Thankfully the college library got something more than just not-so-good-stuff (read it course books).So, the one thing I could find common to all was this:

1. Keep no limits and you find yourself breaking your own records (it happened; like I had never imagined breaking college’s dress code for continuous big 20 days) till there is no one who can break yours (still didn’t happen though) as it did happen to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Helen Keller, Nadia Comaneci etc to name a few.

2. Dream the impossible if you have got the guts to practically achieve it & dream even if you are out of any hopes that’s because you will eventually get the required courage to implement it in action. Forget what people tell you, it’s none of your business if they are none of yours.

3. You need to get out of your comfort zone, the daily ‘it-should-happen-this-way-coz-it-always-happens-this-way syndrome. It’s only the inertia part which is difficult like getting up early for that extra class you have no interest to attend, the rest isn’t as unmanageable as it is prejudiced.

4. To enjoy more, spend more.

To spend more, earn more.

To earn more, learn more coz if you could read this than that’s what you are being paid for , the value you create for yourself ,for the knowledge you have

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