World has enough important issues to be pondered upon, there are interesting movies & many thought provoking books to be talked about & discussed in blogs that people would be more interested to read about like some knowledgeable stuff but the problem with “My Galaxy” lies in the fact that it belongs to the galaxian which has a misconception that anyone’s life can be another fiction ready to be written.
I am not weak hearted. Now I don’t say I was born like that, but I evolved, adapted, matured & many such terms did happen at hostel as they usually do & I now strictly do not fall under the category of people who are scared to sleep in dark or afraid to go alone star gazing in a lonely hostel terrace with creepy, imaginary background music & various other such types I could fortunately encounter here. Though I admit, I have never watched a certified scary movie & neither do I intend to.
However, many things did happen recently, which made me reconsider my above claimed attributes.
Like an incident, all to be blamed to my intuitive power, which I now strongly believe I have in plenty..!! So, here I was lazily lying on my bed, engrossed in “The Kite Runner”, just another weekend when my room has turned to single-Seater again, courtesy my roomie. I, out of nowhere thought of going to the water cooler & as soon as I opened the door, I could find 2 of the known faces standing in front, about to knock, now since it was around 2 am , & not a very obvious scene, a natural scream followed by a couple of screams from their side too (of course they were ignorant of my intuitive power, till this) enough to have woken up people around and no doubt leaving me shaky.
I hope you actually did manage to take the back up of Laptop. Send it if the problem persists as its still under warranty.