Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wise & Wiser

Here it goes.The second & the last experience of season I.Short & precise & will try to be sweet !

WIMWI is beautiful.You got to see those "Red-Brick-Walls" to understand the passion it fuels in to an aspirant.However,the day was meant for MICA & hence proceeding to the same.

Day:22nd March,Sunday

At every stage of selection,MICA showed how different it is from a normal B-School & is a perfect C-School (Communications Management).MICAT actually made you think about your spouse & children's career during its written test & the Final round had to be interesting in its own way & hence making it something you can't afford to miss even after the 'second or third or many other thoughts'!
Beginning with the Group exercise unlike the B-school Group Discussions involved doing certain tasks(yep..a roadies like thingy especially when they hand you with numbered aprons as you await the unexpected instructions).However unlike the previous days we weren't exactly asked to work on some clay model but were given 10 cartoons to rank on the parameters of our choice.

The worst case scenario has always been the one when you don't know what to do.The second thoughts are the last thing on Earth you need before an Interview but so it was meant to be.Questions ranging from the general about yourself,last week's important issues to the much dreaded applications of DSP & difference between 8085 & 8086, all thanks to the ECE boldly written on the form were answered in a manner that I never imagined.I ended 'Giving Up',replying the panelists that I didn't perform upto my expectations in the Interview on being asked for any more questions before leaving.Now,they were a friendly bunch of people for a stress interview I guess, who finally smiled on listening this,assuring me & asking me more questions(smilingly of course now) on my insistence.Coming out of an Interview was never such a relief :O !

It was a one of its kind experience & an overall wonderful trip thanks to all the learning in the city I wanted to visit once.Learning about your shortcomings always maketh you wiser, more so when guided by people worth meeting who guide you exactly the way you need(describing which would be another post in itself).Everything happens for a reason would have never been truer & now I guess the post just turned serious but ...

am all ready with my reason to blame..
Its Exam time at college again
& all this rhymes at the same :D

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